Friday, November 1, 2019

Memo and Email Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Memo and Email - Article Example Although organizations benefit a great deal from the use of email services for correspondences, there has been a growing concern regarding the misuse of email services, which are proving costly to organizations. Evidences across organizations show that emails are increasingly at risk of misuse by malicious employees. The increased misuse of company emails has seen a rise in employers firing their workers now and then. Current estimate shows that more than a quarter of employers have fired their employees for e-mail misuse. For instance, PNC Bank recently fired Norma Yetsko and Heidi Arace for sending offensive jokes on companys email (Morales 3). The Management of PNC Bank claimed that the two of its employees violated the company policy by misusing the company emails by sending offensive jokes, which were not only defamatory, but also landed the company into a lawsuit. MacDonald Dettwiler Company also fired two of its employees, Nicolas Di Vito and Alastair Mathers for sending offen sive emails depicting the sexual gymnastic of a female co-worker who is overweight. The offensive email resulted in a lawsuit in which the offended woman jointly sued the company and the two employees for defamation (Morales 3). These among other incidences shows how misuse of company email can be costly to a company. In both cases, the email misuse by the employees dented the image of the two companies and resulted in a civil liability. The email risks that happened at MacDonald Dettwiler Company and PNC Bank can happen in any company at any time. Therefore, to prevent the occurrence of email misuse by employees, it is critical for the management to create guidelines that define how emails are used in the organization. Creating email guidelines will be of great benefit to the company since it will ensure that the companys staff uses emails professionally thereby protecting the professional image of the

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